I am wondering this after today, because it has been a Godsend! Wikipedia tells me that a man named Aquilino Cosani is credited for the invention of the plastic its made from, then from there the list of people grows as various uses were created. As far as I'm concerned, these people must've received some divine intervention because this ball has been a miracle in my home.
Several people recommended I get one to soothe Blake.
If you have a colicky baby YOU MUST GET ONE. NOW! In fact, stop reading this and just leave your house. Don't forget your child though.
Yesterday I packed Blake in the car and took a trip to the store to purchase one. On recommendation, I went to Marshall's rather than first stopping at Sports Authority, where they would be more expensive. Marshall's had 3 left, and they were only $12. Yes! It comes with a pump, thankfully. I tried to inflate it when I got home, so I put Blake in the swing, but little man didn't want to quiet long enough for me to pump it. I tried convincing him to give me 10 minutes, because what I was working on was for him. That didn't work. He was maaaaaaaaaad.
I tried placing him in the Baby Bjorn, but he wasn't having that. I would've left him down in the swing long enough to fully inflate but after 5 minutes I had hardly gotten anywhere with it, and my limbs were giving way. I knew it was going to take me longer than expected and his cries were getting louder by the minute. I was tired from trying to inflate it anyway! Just proving how out of shape I've become.
I decided to wait until my husband got home. Of course he fully blew it up in, like, 5 minutes....no problem.
At the first sign of Blake crying I hopped on the ball and began to bounce with him. He instantly quieted! He's never gotten quiet that quickly, even on things that have been successful with him it usually takes a few minutes.
Fast forward to today, every time he began to cry I would hop on and go on my way. Worked every time like a charm! I also discovered that if I placed the ball on the floor beneath the fan that it also gave him some entertainment.
Thanks to this ball, we had a FANTASTIC day today! I am overjoyed that I have something that works so well for him. He's also a much happier baby, I can tell.
I really wish I would've purchased one three weeks ago, but, but better late than never!
Now if only I could have a portable yoga ball to put in the diaper bag...
Need to figure out something that will work for him when we're away from the house. Anyone?
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