Thursday, January 30, 2014

The New Blake

I've been meaning to update for so long.  Truth is, I came off my maternity leave and life has been really hectic.  I switched schools…AND grades.  Going from 3rd grade to 6th grade has been an adjustment, but I'm really enjoying it!  I've been exhausted after coming home.  I've been off work for far too long I suppose.  I need to start running again too, to work off some of this baby weight.  I saw a picture of myself and nearly freaked out!  I have 15 more lbs to go, which doesn't seem like a lot, but when I'm not fitting into anything it is a lot.  I refuse to go out and spend money purchasing clothes that I don't plan on fitting in to for long.  I guess in order to make anything happen in the weight department I actually have to do something about it.  Like a run.  Buuuuut, I'm sooooooo tired.  Ugh.

Blake is doing amazingly.  I'd say the Zantac 3 times a day has been the charm.  He's had no issues with excessive throwing up, or screaming!  It's amazing!
Though I think we've gained a new issue.  Allergies.  He's been waking up stuffy on and off for the past month.  I put a Vicks humidifier in his room which seems to help a little. I use the saline drops, then suction with the nasal aspirator.  When it's really bad I put Vicks on the bottom of his feet.  I called the doctor to see if there was anything else I could do and they said there really isn't.  Poor little guy.  Hoping he grows out of these allergies.  And the food allergies.  And the GERD.  Pretty sure we're out of the colicky stage, so that's good!
I stopped taking him to the chiropractor because everything else seems to be working so well that I just couldn't justify paying $40 for a visit 2-3 times a week.  I'm just going to take him on a "needs" basis from now on.

He's started sleeping through the night.  Not always, but he's doing so at least 3 nights a week. I usually put him to bed between 7-8 and on a good night he won't wake up until 4:30.  Other nights he'll wake around 1am, then again at 4:30.  Not bad!

He is eating a lot though.   He's consuming 6 oz every 2-2.5 hours.  T

I still use the yoga ball pretty regularly when I'm home.  It's especially helpful at night.  He has a hard time falling asleep unless I'm bouncing.  Haven't gotten much use out of the glider in his nursery.  He doesn't really seem to enjoy the "gliding" feeling.  He wants bounce! Good thing I bought the glider at a garage sale for $25.  I'd be a little upset if I'd paid full price for one and he never wanted to use it.

He's beginning to show sings of teething…excessive drooling, chewing on his hands, bouts of fussiness. I don't see any actual signs of teeth coming through, but I feel like it's coming!

Michael and I were commenting just the other day how nice things were getting.  It's like he's an entirely different kid. Not that I didn't love him before, but boy is this "new Blake" nice!

I owe you guys a few blog posts-Follow ups from some previous ones I'd written. Hopefully I can get to those some time this week.
Right now my eyes are closing as I write this.  I think that's a good queue for me to sleep.  Praying Mr. Blake doesn't wake up, but he's stirring in his crib.  Nooooooooooooooooo!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Husbands, Support Your Wives

I cannot stress enough what an amazing husband I have.  I'm not sure how I would have survived these past 2 months without his support, help, and love.

Having a newborn can be very trying on a marriage (look for this in an upcoming entry).  We've been on an emotional rollercoaster together, and we've argued probably more than we ever have, but at the end of every day he's been my rock.

Blake requires a lot of attention during the day, though this is steadily getting better.  As a result, getting house chores in and general cleaning has been nearly impossible.  When Michael comes home from work there's little I've done throughout the day other than maybe placed a dish or two in the dishwasher, fed the dogs, let them out, and if I'm LUCKY then I've fed myself at least once.  He walks in without hesitation and starts washing bottles, cleaning the kitchen, makes dinner, puts on a load of laundry, and performs various other housekeeping tasks.  I've never asked him to do any of this.  In fact, I always apologize profusely that I was unable to do it all during the day, because, s a wife, I feel it's my duty while I'm home.  He always assures me that it's no problem.  He's completely understanding and compassionate.

So this is going to be a list where I'm doting on my husband and giving tips to all those other men out there. These are things you can do to support your wife during those first few months from someone who is fresh in the moment.  This is not coming from an award winning author who has written and sold one million copies of her book to help you get through this time.  This is from someone who is in it right now.  I'm offering you men to learn from someone who is husband. :)

-When she cries because things are hard, just let her cry.  Don't tell her she's acting irrationally.  That's only going to make it worse.  We are hormonal. Bring her a tissue, hug her, hold her hand and ask how you can help.  There may be no way you can help, but just asking means the WORLD.

-When the baby has been crying for hours and she's losing her mind, and you hear her screaming in the middle of the night, get up and take over for a bit to let her calm down.  Trust me, it'll happen.

-Run a candlelit bubble bath for her.

-Don't get upset when you come home and dinner isn't ready. It's not going to happen for a while, as she tries to figure out a routine.  Buy some frozen pizzas, hot pockets and keep them in the freezer for a quick dinner.

-Buy her a gift just because..(you don't have to spend a lot of money) ...and leave it somewhere where she'll find it when you're not around.  Watch the waterworks!  It just makes her week!  You'll be arguing a lot at this time and that little reminder will make her fall in love with you all over again and forget all the arguing. It's like a fresh start!

-Let her sit on the sofa holding the baby and make and bring her the bottle during feeding. (Or ask her if there's anything she needs from the kitchen while she's breastfeeding.)

-Offer to take over one whole night of getting up with the baby on a day that you're off.  That one day of a full night's rest will refresh her for DAYS!

-Empty the Diaper Genie.  We change most of the dirty diapers as it is, so check that thing frequently to see if it's full.

-Help her with baby bathtime.  I don't know what it is but we really think this is such a great bonding time between baby and parents.  Yes, it's possible for it to be a "one man job", but make it a family affair.  It may seem stupid to you, just do it. :)

-It's been unrealistic to have a husband and wife date every week, but once a month AT LEAST should be a priority.  Secure someone to watch the baby and take your wife out for a day.

-Compliment her on what a good job she's doing.  Words go a long way. That verbal support is sometimes just what we need to hear when we feel like we are failing and doing everything wrong.

-Dads, realize that she just doesn't have as much time for you anymore.  It's unfortunate, but things have shifted in your household.  You're going to have to get creative in ways to spend time with her.  Plan meals around nap times so that you can sit at the dinner table and have adult conversation about your day.

-For the first few days or week of the baby coming home, get up with her during feedings.  If she's anything like me then she won't know what she's doing and you'll both be learning everything together.  It'll be nice for her to have your support as you're both in the learning process together. You can trade off middle-of-the-night feedings later.

-Don't joke with her about the extra weight.  You may be teasing her in jest, but we are very sensitive to our bodies at this moment.

COMING SOON: Wives, Support Your Husbands.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Beautiful Boy

What a fantastic day we had today! It was a relief, as the days since he had his shots have been just like the "old days."  I was convinced the vaccines had caused him to completely regress, until I read the extreme fussiness was totally normal.  It was certainly a good reminder of how far we've come.  Blake's been progressively getting better thanks to everything we've tried...but the slow progression caused me to slightly lose sight of just how bad things were.  God showed me over this week!

I wasn't sure what to do for him being so uncomfortable and fussy after his shots.  Here are some things we did thanks to online reading and suggestions from friends.
-very light massage at the injection sight. The doc said this was good to do so that we could feel if any lumps began to form.  If there were lumps he said to take him back.
-baby Tylenol AFTER the shots. (Supposedly giving Tylenol before the shots can reduce the potency of the meds going in.)
-Warm compresses.  I just took 2 baby washcloths and placed them in the microwave for 30 seconds.

None of this made him feel a whole lot better, but it helped temporarily.  He slept a lot more than he usually does, which is normal.

He was back to his normal self today, and is steadily getting better with everything.  Though he's still sleeping more than he ever did before the shots.  He slept about 8 hours today, and still went to bed at 8, AND is sleeping through the night. Not sure what to think of this.  Maybe it will slowly taper off?  Not that I'm complaining about sleeping through the night.  That part is amazing!

We've been to the chiropractor twice so far to help with his GERD.  I really think it's helping! The doctor performs a gentle adjustment, which is more like a baby massage in certain places.  Blake loved it!  The first time he giggled the whole way through. The second time he smiled the whole time.  We're going back tomorrow for his 3rd adjustment.  He's not been as gassy, hasn't thrown up in the middle of the night, and I've also noticed he's not eating as much. The doctor told me that babies with GERD have a tendency to eat more because food going down soothes their throat and stomach.  (Think of it as the only time they get any real relief.  Sad, isn't it?) So, where he was beginning to eat 6 oz every 2 to 2.5 hours, he's gone back to 4 oz.  I guess the doctor was right when he told me that Blake was only eating that much because of the GERD and he shouldn't be eating so much on a regular basis.

I've seen more improvement between the probiotic and the chiropractor adjustments than I have with the Zantac, even with the increase of 3 doses a day.  I'm still trying to decide if I'll take him to the gastroenterologist, should the doctor suggest it.  It may be worth going to get a closer look at what's going on in his stomach.  It's a decision I'll make at a later time.

He's really starting to enjoy his jungle play mat!  He just laughs and giggles.  He's learned if he hits the animals on it then noises come out, so he lays for for the longest time and kicks and hits with his hands. It's so cute! He was on it for an hour today entertaining himself, while I was at the computer working.   I'm sure that has come with age, but I know he wouldn't be enjoying it like that if we hadn't, somewhat, gotten his GERD under control.  Any time I would lay him on it before he would just start screaming immediately, because laying that flat was so uncomfortable for him.

I'm not sure what else is out there that we can try.   I'll keep on keeping on until he's 100% comfortable and happy.  Though, I'm so proud of my beautiful boy and his progress!
Speaking of, that reminded me of one of my favorite musician's song "Beautiful Boy", by John Lennon.  Love, love, love!

"Before you go to sleep
say a little prayer

Every day in every way
It's getting better and better"

Couldn't have said it better myself, John. :)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Two Months Old

God gave me you for the ups and downs

God gave me you for the days of doubt

For when I think I've lost my wayThere are no words here left to say, it's true

God gave me you

(For those familiar with the song, I just feel the need to point out that this was not original to Blake Shelton, but was first written and performed by Dave Barnes.  Okay, I feel better now)I think of Blake (my Blake, not Shelton) when I hear that chorus.

He had his 2 month check-up today and received his shots.  He was a trooper, considering.  When he cried in pain, so did I.  It really is difficult watching your child get poked and prodded.
 I'll admit I'm one of those parents who is concerned about a link existing between vaccines and autism.  It's such a hot topic right now.  I debated over even getting him vaccinated at all.  That idea didn't last long in my head.  My next decision was picking and choosing which vaccines to give him.  I wasn't comfortable with that either.  I mentioned my concerns to Dr. S. and he was very open to speaking to me about this, not for a moment being judgmental.  He said he'd done a lot of research on this topic during his residency (he's a new pediatrician, which is why I enjoy going to him because he has a fresh perspective of everything).  He talked my ears off about the whole thing and mentioned there was a doctor in the U.K. who did a huge study on the possible links between vaccines and autism, and fraudulently tipped the research in his favor in order to "prove" something that he felt strongly about.
Here's one of the articles talking about this.
Report Linking Vaccine To Autism Was Fraudulent, Says British Medical Journal

Between my own research and the expertise of Dr. S, I felt confident in going through with his vaccinations.  I am, however, going to keep a close eye on him to monitor any changes.  Actually, Dr. S mentioned doing the same.  He said that if I notice any changes in his behavior to call him.  I know I've mentioned before, but I really like him a lot.

Is it crazy that I considered keeping his bandaids from his vaccines for his baby book?  When I removed the bandaids from his legs I set them aside to hold on to, then wondered if that was a little kooky.  They DID have blood on the back of them.  I ended up throwing them away, but I first took a pic of one of the bandaids on his chunky little thigh.  Daffy Duck!

He had 1 bandaid on his right leg and two on his left. This was the only one I snapped a pic of.  The other bandaids were of Bugs Bunny.  

Blake is 24.5 inches tall, placing him in the 75th percentile for height.  He weights 11 lbs, 11oz.  I asked him if he thought he was overweight, since that was what the last doctor said, but he said he's not overweight at all.  His exact words were "he's long and lean."  Just like daddy!
He is still eating 4oz on average (sometimes more, sometimes less), and continues to do so every 2 hours like clockwork. (Though he'll go longer at night, thankfully!)  He did say he wants me to try to space this out to at least 2.5-3 hours.  The fact that he wants to eat so frequently is another sign/symptom of the GERD, as he may be wanting to eat because the feeling may be soothing sometimes when he swallows.
I don't know how I'm going to stretch out his feedings to 2.5-3 hours.  Sometimes he's hungry again at an hour and a half and stretching him that extra 30 minutes is torture for him. I try to give him the paci to soothe him until it's closer to time but he hasn't really wanted much of his paci recently.  I just really don't think my ears can endure the screaming for the 30 minutes to an hour that I'm supposed to wait for his next feeding.  If he's not gaining too much weight then what's the harm?  Oy-vey.  I don't know!

Now that Blake has been on the probiotic for nearly two weeks, I truly feel that it's helped quite a bit!  He still manages to have some incidences of uncomfortableness during his feedings, but I do not feel they are as frequent.  I've been able to cut the fussiness down during feedings from several a day to generally once a day.
Dr. S said the probiotic in his formula was an excellent idea and he was impressed I was doing that.  (Of course I can't take credit.  It was because of the suggestion of others. So, thank you!)
He does want to increase his dosage of Zantac from 2 to 3 times per day, remaining at 1.1 mL.  Ideally, he shouldn't be experiencing any uncomfortable feedings, so that's our end goal.  If there's no improvement by his next appointment then we are going to see a specialist, a gastroenterologist.  He confirmed the severity of his GERD saying that we can only hope that he outgrows it.  I truly hope so!
I also hope I don't forget to give him his Zantac.  Remembering to do that and everything else can be difficult, and now I'll have to remember another dosage.  I thought about setting a time on my phone, but that won't be very helpful because he doesn't eat at the same time every day.  He eats in increments, not necessarily specific hours of the day. I really need to figure out a way to keep myself better organized with all of this.  Then, figure out how I'm going to continue doing that when I return to work. (AGH! Can't think about that right now!)

He was impressed with his weight gain, considering that most children with GERD lose weight or stay stagnant because they are constantly throwing up their food.  This was once an issue, and was becoming more of one prior to the probiotics.  I believe it's also helped that I've slowed down his feedings and that I stop to burp him often (about every ounce).

I felt like it was a good visit. I'm interested to see if giving him the Zantac 3 times a day will help him.

I made an appointment today for him to see the chiropractor.  Our appointment is tomorrow afternoon. I've heard a few people say they had success in it helping their child with GERD.  I'll let you know!

He slept a lot today, but I think that's to be expected with all the shots.  I just let him.

I took a trip to the dry cleaners today to drop off some of Michael's clothes.  That, and our dry cleaning people have been begging to see him.  It was really cold today and as soon as I brought him in she commented how shocked she was that I brought him out in such cold weather, and that I should have kept him home.  I bundled him up so well! The kid had on a fleece suit, thick socks, gloves, hat, and jacket, PLUS a blanket. He was definitely cozy.  I hate that people don't think I'm smart enough to know how to dress my kid for the weather.
Oh well.  I should stop getting so offended at the comments of other people.  Nod your head and agree, Brittney.

I decided tonight that I really wanted to make brownies.  Of course it wasn't an idea that struck me when he was sleeping! I mean, that would've been just way too convenient! Nope. The idea came to me JUST as he was about to wake up.  I'm so smart.  I put him in the Bjorn, mixed all of my ingredients and went about my business.  He was so unhappy, but I couldn't just leave everything sitting out with the oven on. (Plus, I REALLY wanted brownies!) I continued to make everything through him kicking and screaming.  Chocolate was flying everywhere, and falling on the floor, which the dogs loved.  We all know dogs can't have chocolate so I was trying to ward them away with my feet while Blake continued on. Then Michael called to tell me he was home from work, the stove beeped telling me that it was now preheated and ready.  I spilled half the mix on the counter and nearly sprayed myself in the eye with the cooking spray for the pan, barely missing Blake and I.  As I was mixing all the ingredients I was bouncing up and down trying my best to calm him.  I'm not very good at multitasking, so bouncing UP and DOWN and trying to mix a bowl going ROUND and ROUND was confusing.  Either my hips wanted to go round and round, or my hands wanted to go up and down.  I finally gave up the mixing and just hoped that what I had done so far was good enough.  I quickly dropped the mix into the glass pan, threw it in the oven and let it be.  The garage door opened and Michael was home. I really wanted to have the aroma of brownies filling the house when he walked in, but I had literally just placed them in the oven so that didn't happen.  Oh well.
Half the pan of brownies are gone, so I guess there were no chunks of unmixed batter in them.  Or if there were Michael was nice enough to not say anything to me.
How the heck do people cook dinner with an infant?  Holy cow.
I'm the worst cook ever, so even if cooking while having an infant were easy I'd still make a disaster occur anyway.

Overall, things are going well.  That isn't to say they're perfect, but when is THAT ever going to happen?  I have the rest of his life to watch him be imperfect. ;) But, I think he's doing pretty good.  Last night was a little rough before bed time.  And he had a rough morning, but all things considered he's come SO far.
I'd like to say that I feel less tired, but I'm not sure if I've just gotten accustomed to it all or if I'm actually getting more rest.  It's hard to say.  It's also not worth thinking about. I'm never going to get the rest that I once did. It seems like those days are are so far in the past. And I'm okay with that.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Keep it on the Up and Up

Has anyone noticed my blog titles USUALLY are tidbits of song lyrics?  Probably not. It's okay.  I'm a dork like that.

We've been dealing with Blake having a cold recently.  Every person in my family has been sick so it seemed inevitable, despite our efforts to keep him from those who weren't feeling well.  My grandma was sick, then my mom, then my grandfather, then Michael.  I have a smidgen of it, but it hasn't gotten too bad yet.  He started early last week with a fever of 100.  I called the doc and they said I didn't have to bring him in until it was 100.4. The triage nurse told me to treat him with saline drops and a nasal aspirator.  That did great, and within 2 days he was fine.  His symptoms returned, slightly worsened, on Saturday night.  He has an appointment Tuesday for his 2 month check up, but I'm going to call in the morning to see if maybe we can go in tomorrow.  I doubt he'll be getting his 2 month shots, though.  We'll probably have to go back for those.
To help with his cold I've continued with the saline spray and aspirator. I also, thanks to suggestions, put vapor rub on the bottom of his feet and placed socks on them.
I used Maty's instead of Vick's because it's all natural and doesn't use petroleum jelly.

Hoping he feels better soon!

I'm pleased to report that he's been doing better with the fussiness!  Maybe it's the probiotics?  I've been giving them to him twice a day in his bottle.  We haven't returned to the doc yet, so his Zantac is still the same dosage (1.1mL), so I can't attribute this improvement to that. Therefore, I'm going to say it's the probiotic (and all the other things I've tried).  I switched from using FloraBaby to FloraStor.
So far I know it's available at Publix and Target.  He's been on it for 8 days.  He hasn't exactly been feeling 100% with being sick, so I'll have to reevaluate this once he's gotten over this cold.  He still cries at 9 every night, but I accidentally found a combination of things that calm him down.  I love it when I come across things by accident.  I call it the "ball-fan-white noise-bottle" method.  Creative, huh? Acronym BFWB.  I was trying to get him to calm down the other night.  Usually the yoga ball doesn't work during this time, but I was getting desperate.  At 9:00 Michael and I turn all the lights off, turn down all the sounds, and we put the vent fan and light above the oven on.  It was time for a bottle so I sat on the yoga ball. I don't dare bounce him while eating so I used the rolling method. (Just slightly roll back and forth). Unintentionally, I positioned myself perfectly beneath the fan where he had direct eyesight to it.  Between rolling on the yoga ball, being beneath the fan, bottle feeding him, and the white noise, he drifted to sleep in no time.  Miracle!  I won't complain that I didn't come across this on accident sooner.  I'm just glad I did! It's better than the hour long screaming.

I continue to stop him frequently during feedings to burp him.  Each time I do this he cries.  And each time he burps he cries a little harder.  The "wet burps" continue and I can hear the liquid coming back up.  I really wish this was happening to me instead.  If it's a really painful burp then he just stops eating altogether for that feeding.  Guess he's smart enough to know the liquid is causing it and he wants nothing else to do with it! It breaks my heart because there's nothing I can do for him.  I just keep on trying to burp him because I know it will make him feel better, but getting there is painful.  He does this cute thing where he pouts his lower lip when he cries.  It's seriously the cutest thing ever. (Okay, so I know he's in pain.  That part isn't cute of course.)  I just do my best to tell him it's okay, I'm here for him, and he'll feel better if he just lets it out.  Wish he understood me.

This morning we spent 2 hours cuddling in bed.  He slept longer than usual, I'm sure due to not feeling all that well.  I laid him on my chest and together we drifted off.  I wish I could freeze those moments forever.  I know that someday I'm going to miss them.  I know that someday I'm going to long for them back so much that it's going to make me cry.  It's making me get teary-eyed just thinking about it!

I'm still really tired.  There are so many little things to do during the day to keep Blake happy, to keep him from being fussy, that I get nervous I'm going to forget something as I'm trying to juggle all the plates.  With so much to do and remember I often let him go too long without changing his diaper! Tonight I totally forgot to put his Zantac in his bottle.  I constantly have words and reminders circling on in my head. Yoga ball, socks, fan, white noise, bath, bottle every 2 hours, burp after every ounce, Zantac, yoga ball, probiotic, wash bottles, filtered water, gas drops, yoga ball, gripe water, diaper, tummy massage, tummy time, yoga ball, read a book, baby laundry, keep him upright for 30-40 minutes after every feeding, yoga ball...and oh yeah, it's 3:00 and I haven't eaten at all today! 

I've kept track of my yoga ball bouncing.  I spend 5-6 hours a day bouncing him on a NORMAL day.  Bad days are 6+.  I tell you, my legs are going to look AMAAAAAAZING! The down side is that my back is paying for it! HA!

I just hope he outgrows this.  Not for my sake (though that would be a bonus) but for his.  I hate seeing him in pain.  Yes, there have been improvements in the past week (praise God!), but that just means there's been more added to the list to help him be more comfortable.  And I'm okay with that.  I'll do anything for him.  Even if it means staying up all night just to keep the list of "things to do" going for him so he's comfortable.  I'll do it.  With a little coffee. Ok, a lot. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

What I've Learned (so far) About Being A Mom #2

...Continued from this post

11. When you're really tired you do stupid things like, get in the shower with your bra still on, forget to put on the cap to the bottle and then proceed to shake it to dissolve the formula, and put diapers on backward.  (Yep, true stories.)

12. I can grocery shop in record time.  Think "Super Market Sweep" style. (Remember that show?)  I went to Target yesterday and did all of my grocery shopping in 45 minutes, WITH my coupons. In the past this has taken me up to 2 hours.  I was a mad-mom running through those isles, trying to finish quickly before Blake woke up and started crying.

13. The word "love" has an entirely new meaning.  This kid makes my heart melt just looking at him. People always say that you'll never know the love you can have for a child until you have one of your own.  It's true.  And that love is instant the moment you lay eyes on them.

14. Ceiling fans can provide long periods of entertainment (for my son, at least) that I will never understand.
Our ceiling fan.

His face when he's watching the ceiling fan. SO CUTE!

15. Talking on the phone isn't as easy any longer.  I'd rather you text me instead.

16. Spontaneous outings with girlfriends are nearly impossible.  I mean, what do you do with a kid when someone asks you if you want to go get a pedicure in an hour? Not much "storage" in a salon for a kid to hang out.

17. White noise in the background is a lifesaver! I highly recommend a noise machine!
We use this one.
It has 4 sounds, all with a timer.  Blake loves it!

18. Maternity pants are the most comfortable clothes I will ever wear. I'm still wearing mine! (Mostly because I have 20 lbs left to lose and I refuse to go out and spend money on clothes that I don't plan on remaining to fit into.)  With that said, I wish I could wear my maternity jeans forever! And I just may.  No one will ever know, right?

19. Burt's Bees baby lotion stinks.  No, it literally stinks.  It does not make my baby smell like a baby. :( Dislike!

20.  Speaking of smell, I dislike the scent of baby wipes.  Even the ones that claim they are "unscented." I've tried a lot of brands so far and my favorite, by far, is Seventh Generation Baby.

21. Applying Desitin after each bath is a good habit to get into it in order to help prevent diaper rash.

22. There's no such thing as too many baby blankets.  I remember wondering why the heck everyone was giving me blankets, and wondering what I was going to do with them all.  Well, I've learned I'm going to use them, that's what!  Every last one.

23. It's best to clip baby nails with their palm side facing AT you, so that you can see the actual nail part that you are cutting off.  I'm sorry to say that I learned this the hard way.  (Poor Blake for having to be our first born, where we get to use him as practice for everything we do.)

24. If you give me at least 10 minutes notice that you're coming over, I can speed clean my home in no time and you'd never know it was a disaster zone just a few moments ago.  (Just don't look in my laundry room.)

25. Adult laundry gets easily neglected with the amount of dirty laundry one baby can create.  I have gone to get dressed, only to realize I had no clean pants.

26. Despite not going anywhere on some days (at least while I'm still on maternity leave), I refuse to wear "mom clothes" and walk around in a t-shirt and sweats.  I still get up, put on full make-up and get fully dressed with jewelry every day.  Do this for yourself!  It makes you a lot more productive throughout the day!  And if you're anything like me it makes you feel pretty.  (This I've also learned to do in record time.  I can do it all in 10-15 minutes!  I take my showers at night.)

27. Not to spend a lot of money on baby clothes. They outgrow them way too quickly.  Buy quality clothes, but buy on sale or clearance!

28. Lanolin nipple cream works really well for baby chapstick, and is safe to use. Those dry baby cracked lips look so uncomfortable! be continued...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

So This is The New Year

So I wrote this really long blog post 2 days ago, then felt guilty for writing it. So I deleted it.  My purpose of creating this was to be forthcoming and honest, but that post caused me to lose a lot of sleep that night over things I'd said.  Some of you saw it and were kind enough to respond. Thank You.

Onto the new...

It's 2:30 AM and here I am updating my blog.  Truth is, I'm wide awake and can't go back to sleep.  I wish I could, because God knows I'm tired! I put Blake down in his crib upstairs for the 3rd night in a row.  He's really doing great with that! He's really fussy now from about 9-10PM, which is a vast improvement from the previous 5-10. When he starts I just rock him in the glider in his room, turn off all the lights, play the ocean on the noise machine and usually he'll go to sleep within an hour.  Tonight that didn't work so well and I had to bounce on the yoga ball.

He awoke at around 12:30 making the hungry face.  He threw up 3 times.  By throw up I mean more than spit up.  He's been doing this more and more during feedings, but this many times is a new one.  He started with 4 oz.  I stopped at every ounce to burp him.  Each time I stopped he would start crying. It was a long feeding because I didn't want to go too fast. (That's always a disaster for him.) I try to space each feeding as much as I can.  Blake was clearly hungry because he was sucking it down very quickly.  I'm wondering if he's going through another growth spurt.  He ate as if I hadn't fed him in days! First ounce-he burped.  On the second ounce he threw up.  Then cried, making the hungry face.  (I call it the hungry face-he opens his mouth wide and moves his head back and forth searching for a bottle.)  I didn't feed him right away.  I wanted to give his stomach time to settle.  Fed him another ounce, which he cried in the middle of.  Put him over my shoulder and he burped really well, then threw up again.  Cried even louder.  I waited again.  Tried to comfort him and get him to go back to sleep because I didn't want to feed him right away again.  He was clearly still hungry.  Tried another ounce or two. He seemed to be doing really well with that one but continued to be fussy.  I tried holding him in different positions thinking that would make him feel better but nothing worked.  About 30 minutes later he threw up again.  A LOT.  He became frustrated. (I would to if I was starving but couldn't keep anything down and couldn't understand why.) I bounced him on the yoga ball and he started to drift off to sleep.  Worried that he didn't get enough in his stomach I gave him about half an ounce, just to be sure he had SOMETHING in there.  He took that just fine and has been sleeping for about 30 minutes.  I've placed him to sleep in the pack 'n play in the living room.  I'm sitting on the sofa.

His next appointment is January 7 for his 2 month check-up.  I tried to get an earlier appointment, but I requested to see a specific doctor and that's his next available.  Guess we'll have to wait this out until then.  I'm sure I could get in earlier but I really like Dr. S and feel that he really listens to me and wants to help.

In the midst of all this, illness is spreading across our house.  Michael started off sick and did his best to keep his distance from Blake and I.  Blake managed to catch a bit of it a few days ago.  He was running a low grade fever and a stuffy nose, but I was able to ward that off with saline drops and a nasal aspirator.  He doesn't seem to be experiencing much anymore.  Hoping it was a short stint and doesn't return for him. Michael is still sick though, and apparently it's now my turn.  I have a stuffy nose and sore throat. Not cool germs.  Not cool.

Back to Blake.
I've been giving him the probiotics in his bottle twice a day. Once in the morning and once at night. I wish I could report that I've seen a drastic improvement, but I can't.  I'm going to keep administering hoping it'll kick in at some point.  Everything I've read says it takes 36 hours to kick in.  It's been 72.

I feel like I've tried so many things to comfort him.  I know, though, that there's tons more I could be doing.  So many have provided me with advice and suggestions.  I try to take it all but some things get lost in the shuffle.  If you've suggested something and I haven't written about it then feel free to remind me. Seriously, I really value what everyone has to say and I'm willing to try just about anything!

Tonight as I was bouncing Blake on the yoga ball I was reading the bible from my iPhone.  (Man, I love technology! It would be impossible to read a book in the middle of the night with one hand, and in the dark.)  I have an app that has chronologically broken down the bible in 365 segments, so I can read through everything in 1 year. I started reading through the book of Job. I believe God timed that so well for me.
Job was a good man and was faithful to God.   He experienced trials and great losses, and through temptation gave in to the ways of the world. Job questioned many aspects of his life and wanted to know the question we all ask ourselves: "Why?"  Why is this happening to me? To my family?
This is a question I've asked as well.  What our little family is experiencing is so small compared to what others have gone/are going through.  There are children with grave illnesses and disabilities.  Families financially struggling to make ends meet-to feed their children.  I have no reason to wonder and waste my time on "Why?" This is a question I often throw around in the heat of the moment when I have completely lost my patience.  I need to do better!  Job wanted to know why he was being punished by God.  In the end, Job acknowledges the mighty power of God and admits that he doesn't understand why God does what he does, but he trusts him.  How true this is! I'm unsure of so much of what's going on with Blake.  I continue to be impatient and want answers NOW.  I just want him to be comfortable, so I can be comfortable and sane. ;)  (So selfish, but so true.)
But there is a reason.  I just know it.

He's stirring and crying right now.  I'm sure he's hungry!
Here we go again...!