Saturday, January 4, 2014

What I've Learned (so far) About Being A Mom #2

...Continued from this post

11. When you're really tired you do stupid things like, get in the shower with your bra still on, forget to put on the cap to the bottle and then proceed to shake it to dissolve the formula, and put diapers on backward.  (Yep, true stories.)

12. I can grocery shop in record time.  Think "Super Market Sweep" style. (Remember that show?)  I went to Target yesterday and did all of my grocery shopping in 45 minutes, WITH my coupons. In the past this has taken me up to 2 hours.  I was a mad-mom running through those isles, trying to finish quickly before Blake woke up and started crying.

13. The word "love" has an entirely new meaning.  This kid makes my heart melt just looking at him. People always say that you'll never know the love you can have for a child until you have one of your own.  It's true.  And that love is instant the moment you lay eyes on them.

14. Ceiling fans can provide long periods of entertainment (for my son, at least) that I will never understand.
Our ceiling fan.

His face when he's watching the ceiling fan. SO CUTE!

15. Talking on the phone isn't as easy any longer.  I'd rather you text me instead.

16. Spontaneous outings with girlfriends are nearly impossible.  I mean, what do you do with a kid when someone asks you if you want to go get a pedicure in an hour? Not much "storage" in a salon for a kid to hang out.

17. White noise in the background is a lifesaver! I highly recommend a noise machine!
We use this one.
It has 4 sounds, all with a timer.  Blake loves it!

18. Maternity pants are the most comfortable clothes I will ever wear. I'm still wearing mine! (Mostly because I have 20 lbs left to lose and I refuse to go out and spend money on clothes that I don't plan on remaining to fit into.)  With that said, I wish I could wear my maternity jeans forever! And I just may.  No one will ever know, right?

19. Burt's Bees baby lotion stinks.  No, it literally stinks.  It does not make my baby smell like a baby. :( Dislike!

20.  Speaking of smell, I dislike the scent of baby wipes.  Even the ones that claim they are "unscented." I've tried a lot of brands so far and my favorite, by far, is Seventh Generation Baby.

21. Applying Desitin after each bath is a good habit to get into it in order to help prevent diaper rash.

22. There's no such thing as too many baby blankets.  I remember wondering why the heck everyone was giving me blankets, and wondering what I was going to do with them all.  Well, I've learned I'm going to use them, that's what!  Every last one.

23. It's best to clip baby nails with their palm side facing AT you, so that you can see the actual nail part that you are cutting off.  I'm sorry to say that I learned this the hard way.  (Poor Blake for having to be our first born, where we get to use him as practice for everything we do.)

24. If you give me at least 10 minutes notice that you're coming over, I can speed clean my home in no time and you'd never know it was a disaster zone just a few moments ago.  (Just don't look in my laundry room.)

25. Adult laundry gets easily neglected with the amount of dirty laundry one baby can create.  I have gone to get dressed, only to realize I had no clean pants.

26. Despite not going anywhere on some days (at least while I'm still on maternity leave), I refuse to wear "mom clothes" and walk around in a t-shirt and sweats.  I still get up, put on full make-up and get fully dressed with jewelry every day.  Do this for yourself!  It makes you a lot more productive throughout the day!  And if you're anything like me it makes you feel pretty.  (This I've also learned to do in record time.  I can do it all in 10-15 minutes!  I take my showers at night.)

27. Not to spend a lot of money on baby clothes. They outgrow them way too quickly.  Buy quality clothes, but buy on sale or clearance!

28. Lanolin nipple cream works really well for baby chapstick, and is safe to use. Those dry baby cracked lips look so uncomfortable! be continued...


  1. My boys also loved looking at fans, and all kinds of ceiling lights. I think "Lights" was in the first 10 words for all 4. Keep up the great work.

  2. I Enjoy Reading Your Blog! Thanks For The Lanolin tip!
